Migrant Program
What is the Migrant Education Program?
Migrant Education is a national program that provides supplemental instructional and support services to hundreds of thousands of eligible migrant children each year.
Migrant children and youth have many needs that require specialized help and services. In order to meet the needs of this unique group of children the Migrant Education Program was established in 1966 by an amendment to Title I, Public Law 89-10.
Who are migrant workers?
Migrant workers seek temporary or seasonal work in agriculture, fishing, or related industries. They follow the growing seasons across the country and are largely responsible for the cultivation and harvest of fruits, vegetables, and many other food products. The average income of many migrant families is below the national poverty line. The migrant population is made up of diverse ethnic groups. In Arkansas, Hispanics and Whites make up the largest groups with Southeast Asians, African American, and other racial and ethnic groups completing the remainder of the migrant population. While many migrant families consider Arkansas to be their home base, others come from Texas, California, Florida, Mexico, and many other states and countries.